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Pseudo Selector is Just a gibberish word
All you need to know about the pseudo-selector.
Pseudo Selector
For a better understanding of pseudo selector, we need to know about
Pseudo Class
Pseudo Element
Starting with Pseudo Class
Pseudo class is used to define a special state of an element and a special state means when some task is done by the user, then in the frontend, the pseudo-classes help us to style that element (for example:- visited links and unvisited links should appear differently).
We don't need javaScript or any other script to use those states.
These pseudo-classes use with a single colon(:).
Selector :Pseudo-class{
property: value;
- Types of pseudo-classes:-
- :hover
- :link
- :visited
- :active
- :focus
- :first-child
- :nth-child
- :last-child
And many more...
Many pseudo-classes used for selecting elements in DOM (for example=> :first-child, :last-child, :nth-child).
We can use multiple Pseudo-class in selector until the DOM tree of your selector matches and all rules are applied then there is no problem nesting pseudo-class.
Pseudo class allowed anywhere in Selector.
Example on=> :hover
CSS Code
button:hover {
color: blue;
Output of :hover:- Whenever the cursor is on to the button it will apply these style which is defined in this CSS selector code(all style which is in curly braces ☝️).
Example on => :focus
input:focus {
background-color: blue;
Output of :focus:- Whenever the input area is clicked then the style which is defined in this |CSS selector with pseudo-class| is applied to that input area.
Example on => :first-child & :hover (together)
div button:first-child:hover{
background-color: aqua;
Output:- In this example, we have used 2 types of pseudo-class and it will select a first child of div and apply a hover pseudo-class on it and whenever the cursor comes top of the button it will change the background color to aqua(all styles will be applied that is specified in curly braces☝️).
Note: If I discuss all pseudo-class then this blog post is going to be so long so it is better whenever you want some pseudo-class other than what we discussed then explore the documentation.
Let's move to the next topic in pseudo selector which is Pseudo element.
Pseudo Element
A pseudo-element is a keyword that is added next to a selector and that helps us in selecting the specific part of the selected element.
It is represented with a double colon(::).
selector::pseudo-element {
property: value;
- Types of pseudo-element are:-
- ::after
- ::before
- ::first-letter
- ::first-line
And many more
Selecting the specific part of the selected element will give us the flexibility to apply the style to that.
For the pseudo-class, we use pseudo-class with single(:) and for the pseudo-element, we use pseudo element with double(::). However, this is not present in the older version of the web3 consortium specification.
The pseudo-element may only be appended after the last simple selector.
We can use only one pseudo element in a selector and it must appear after the simple selector in the statement.
Example on=> ::after
In ::after pseudo-element content must be there. content value can be empty also
p::after {
content: " - Lean this";
Output of ::after:- content is added after HTML text of p (paragraph).
Example on=> ::before
In ::before pseudo-element content must be there. content value can be empty also
p::before {
content: "Lean this - ";
Output of ::before:- content is added before HTML text of p element
Example on ::first-line
p::first-line {
background-color: blue;
Output of ::first-line:- p element (paragraph) first line of HTML text turns the background color to blue.
Note If I discuss all pseudo-element then this blog post is going to be so long so it is better whenever you want some pseudo-element other than what we discussed then explore the documentation.
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Guidance from @hiteshchoudharylco